Stereo came to us with a clubhouse type app that needed launching.
We needed to come up with art direction and animation style for their launch ads.
I was tasked with storyboarding and animating each of these ads as well as sourcing voiceover artists to give Stereo
a voice.

During my year and a half with Social Lab I worked on the BAT account, responsible for concepting and creating a range of organic and paid content for their brands.
Here is a showcase of all the content I was involved with.

For Nike London's Turn Imagination into Reality Campaign I was called in animation together a selection of launch posts for social.
Working from a toolkit I created a series of fluid moving animations that would in inform their audience on how to get involved.

Stereo came to us with a clubhouse type app that needed launching.
We needed to come up with art direction and animation style for their launch ads.
I was tasked with storyboarding and animating each of these ads as well as sourcing voiceover artists to give Stereo
a voice.
For this project I was hired by Accept & Proceed to storyboard for animations that would be displayed at Nike's house of innovation in New York City.
It was a funs, fast-flowing project that involved a bunch of playing around with assets to find a balance when executing the display of information needed for an effective in-store exhibition.

Martini's came to us to create an animation to explain the process they follow to produce their non-alcoholic product, l'aperitiv.
Using their guidelines as reference I storyboarded and animated together a fluid animation simplifying the complex process of making the product whilst keeping it aesthetically on brand.

When I joined the team they were in the middle of planning a social activation campaign for the launch of the Air 270 trainer.
After the project had finished and was filmed then it was time to animate it together ready to present to client.
That's where I came in.

Wagamama wanted to create an animation to reinforce the idea that ‘kaizen’ is about continuous improvement we show that wagamama starts everyday with this mantra in mind when approaching sustainability.
it’s all about the everyday ideas, that are simple, easy to achieve, making each day that little bit better than the last.
I was in charge of art direction to illustrate the facts using placemats where type and drawings animate onto. We’ll use lighting to give a rich cinematic feel and make it all the more engaging for the consumer.

Nokia cam to us with a Christmas campaign concept of 'Be the Gift'
I was tasked with Art Directing a shoot that told a story true to this message.
During the process I was involved in writing the script, selecting talent, location, sourcing a director and being on-site at the shoot to ensure our vision was accurately imagined.
Deliveroo were looking to extend their offering to students and wanted to design a sub-brand to compliment their current service.
I was brought in to run the design side of the project. This put me in the driving seat for logo exploration and asset design. I was in charge of selling my designs into client and developing from ideation to completion as well as copywriting, coming up with student centric headlines.